GGF celebrates anniversary with founder members

The Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) has held a celebration for its founder members at its new building in Southwark, London.

Approximately 40 guests made up of GGF members, senior managers and the trade media attended to see founder members receive a special presentation award from GGF president, Alan Burgess, of Masterframe Windows.

The event also allowed guests to view the new GGF building which includes a historic timeline, founder’s wall, president’s glass plaque and the GGF display cabinet which houses awards won by the federation and its members.

Alan Burgess covered the progress and growth made during the last 40 years and thanked all members for helping the GGF achieve so much for the industry since 1977.

Alan said: “I am pleased that so many companies who have been part of the GGF since its beginnings are still members today. It’s been a memorable event and my thanks to all the founder members who have helped make the GGF the industry’s leading trade body over the last 40 years.”

Phil Pluck, GGF chief executive, added: “Today has been the GGF’s way of saying a special thanks to our founder members who have remained in membership since the very start. They represent the best of their sectors and the industry overall. It has been a pleasure to have been part of such a unique event in this landmark year for the federation.”

After three successful anniversary events, the GGF’s 40 years celebrations will continue at GGF members’ day on 29th September in London, to which all GGF members are invited. More details of this even will be published later in June.

To find out more about the GGF’s history you can visit the digital historic timeline:

A full list of GGF’s founder members can be found here:

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