Lamb’s the man

Stewart Lamb appointed MD of VITA Hardware

Access control expert

Winkhaus' David completes access control course to become the 'in-house expert'

Steve’s the right man

Major appointment at Sternfenster

Simon joins sealant producer

ISO-Chemie targets south and east of England with new appointment

Recruiter recruits

Martyn Cotmore joins Chase Taylor

New role for Mann McGowan director

Kevin Hulin becomes sole MD following retirement of Alistair Scott

New challenge for Ultraframe’s Martoccia

Performance Timber Products group appoints new CEO

Fab four join sales and marketing team

The Veka UK Group takes on a dream team of new management recruits

Operations director appointed

DoorCo goes on growing with the recruitment of Jayne Sullivan

Fabricator recruits ‘industry veteran’ John

Tradelink appoints new manufacturing manager

