DoorCo, formerly the Capstone composite door brand, has announced the appointment of Jayne Sullivan as its first operations director.
Jayne, wife of MD Dan Sullivan, has years of experience both in the corporate world and the family business environment – where she says she began at the age of 10. She has worked for various ‘blue chip’ names including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young and Astra Zeneca, working in fields such as energy and utilities, telecoms, entertainment, betting and local government, in various locations around Europe and the Far East.
Jayne said: “My priority as operations director will be to ensure that we have robust processes working well over all areas of the business. The company has relied on a small but dedicated team to operate it but as it grows, we will need to make more use of technology so that our staff can focus on more valuable tasks.”
The company had its beginnings when Dan and co-founder, John Collins, began supplying container quantities of door slabs to large fabricators. The change of identity came about after it began manufacturing prepared doors of all kinds, not just residential composite and took on DoorCo as a name that it considered ‘more relevant to its new offering’.