Hardware distributor Carl F Groupco has promoted Nathalie McKee to the role of sales office manager. Having worked for the company for 11 years, Nathalie brings valuable experience and exceptional product knowledge to the role.
Based at the company’s Peterborough headquarters, Nathalie will manage the internal sales and customer service teams, to ensure that exceptional service levels are upheld, and develop the team as required. She will work closely with Carl F Groupco’s sales director, John King, to coordinate between the external sales teams and provide a smooth buying process for customers.
“I’m thrilled to take the role of sales office manager,” said Nathalie. “We have a great team at Carl F Groupco, that cares about providing customers with the best possible service. We are fortunate to have a professional and proactive customer base that is well-placed to help us deliver our ongoing sales growth. I’m looking forward to working with them.”
John added: “Nathalie is a great asset to Carl F Groupco. Her promotion reflects the strength of her abilities and her commitment to the ongoing success of Carl F Groupco.” Nathalie takes up her new role with immediate effect.