The UK industry body for wood window manufacturers, the Wood Window Alliance (WWA), says it is ‘calling out’ companies ‘dressing up misleading statements as facts in order to sell more plastic windows’.
To help homeowners and industry stakeholders ‘distinguish the facts from the fiction’, the WWA is launching #woodyoubelieveit?, a campaign designed to ‘encourage consumers to think carefully about competing sales messages and about the impact of their choices on their health, homes and the planet’.
Tony Pell, chairman of the WWA, explained: “At a time when transparency is arguably in short supply, it seems that fake facts are not restricted to the world of politics, but are creeping into all manner of communications. We want to distinguish the ‘window dressing’ and ‘plastic promises’ put about by some PVC-U companies from the truth – that wood is good. In short, it’s time for true transparency in the world of windows.”
According to the WWA, today’s factory-finished wood windows are just as energy efficient as PVC-U, but the frames will last around twice as long. The WWA says they only need repainting every eight-10 years and can be easily repaired if necessary. The WWA claims wood windows are ‘far kinder to the planet, and will add value to your home’.
Pell continued: “The British public has been, and continues to be, misled about double glazing. We cannot stand by and watch people installing PVC-U lookalikes in the belief that wood is a poor alternative to PVC-U. It is not. It is the only environmentally friendly choice, one that will deliver a lifetime of beauty and energy efficiency whilst also caring for the health of people and planet.”
The WWA says its #woodyoubelieveit? campaign will present answers to the ‘fake facts’ and plastic promises to consumers through social media, media engagement, video and visual content, hoping to encourage ‘a reappraisal of the truth behind the statements made by PVC-U businesses’.