The Warwick North West team is working with two workforce development organisations, Nobody Left Behind and Inside Connections, with the aim of addressing the skills shortage in the manufacturing sector.
Specifically, the team is working with these companies to support comprehensive training programmes that are tailored to the manufacturing industry, according to the trade manufacturer’s representatives.
Leaders of Warwick North West aim to then recruit qualified people into its workforce, enabling those people to apply their newly acquired skills and contribute to the company’s overall growth, the company’s representatives explained.
“Not only are we proactively seeking solutions to the industry’s skills shortage but we are trying to do it in a way that gives back to the city and community,” said Greg Johnson, Warwick North West’s director.
“As an employer, we genuinely care and want to provide employment opportunities to people in the manufacturing and fenestration industry.”
The Nobody Left Behind team uses sport to build positive mindsets among young unemployed people. It then provides industry-specific skills training to prepare those young people for sustainable employment.
Inside Connections is a community interest company that offers support and training for prison leavers as well as young people who are at risk of offending.
“We are proud to be working with Warwick North West on this exciting initiative,” said John Burton, founder of Inside Connections.
“We are dedicated to changing lives by providing opportunities to gain important skills leading to employment, which can play a significant part in diverting young people from crime and reducing reoffending.”
Last month, Warwick North West partnered with Ykids, a Bootle-based charity that aims to improve the lives of young children and families who are living in some of the UK’s most deprived areas. Read more on this story here.