When the first lockdown came into force in March, Ultraframe says that it quickly reacted by providing its customers with a ‘Lockdown Toolkit’, a selection of tools to help customers sell Ultraframe products online.
According to Ultraframe, one of the most popular items in the Lockdown Toolkit were the interactive content blocks which are said to be still helping Ultraframe customers to sell conservatories and extensions eight months later.
Ultraframe’s marketing director, Alex Hewitt, said: “We were already proud of our extensive support package for Ultraroof but when lockdown came, we worked quickly to further enhance our package with online tools to help our customers navigate new ways of selling. These included an Ultraroof interactive content block that is available free of charge and can easily be added to a customer’s website.”
The interactive content block allows users to explore Ultraroof’s design options by changing the tile colour and adding a cornice and/or glazing panels. As the user hovers over the roof, key components are highlighted in an exploded view and explained via ‘hotspots’.
Alex added: “The Ultraroof interactive content block is a fantastic addition to any retail website and best of all, it’s completely free! Homeowners can explore the technical features of the roof and understand in simple terms why it is the strongest, warmest, lightest, and brightest tiled roof on the market. Salespeople can also use this great free tool on remote calls by sharing their screen and designing/explaining the roof with customers as part of the call. Feedback from Ultraframe customers who have already added the Ultraroof interactive content block to their website has been fantastic and we’d encourage anyone else who sells Ultraroof and isn’t yet using this to contact our marketing team.”
Another online tool to help Ultraroof customers explain the benefits of the roof to homeowners is the Ultraroof video. Using CGI technology, the video explains a roof replacement project in detail, with graphics and a clear explanation of what happens at each stage. The free of charge video is reportedly being used on numerous Ultraframe customer websites ‘to great effect’.
Alex concluded: “During 2020, online tools have become more important than ever before to ensure our customers can generate leads and sell roofs and this will continue into 2021. Even the technophobes amongst us have become internet and Zoom users over lockdown.
“Providing our customers with fresh features for their websites such as the Ultraroof interactive content block is more important than ever in generating leads and increasing the conversion of sales calls that are increasingly being done online. While Ultraroof has already been declared the consumer’s preferred tiled roof for its stunning aesthetics, assets such as the interactive content block and CGI video are crucial for helping to explain why Ultraroof doesn’t just look beautiful – but that it also performs fantastically in all the important areas such as strength, warmth and brightness.”