HWL Trade Frames’ non-glass bonded Residence 9 Window has sailed through independent PAS24 testing to achieve Part Q approval.
Coming less than a month after achieving a series of top-rated passes under BS EN 6375 – 1 weather testing, Graham Howatson, director, HWL, said that PAS24 approval made the case for buying in R9 on a frame-only basis, ‘compelling’.
He said: “We have had a great response from installers to frame-only R9 supply because it offers them significant installation efficiencies and they can buy-in IGU’s from their usual supplier.
“With PAS24 approval just weeks after exceptionally positive weather test results, the argument for buying in R9 un-glazed is absolutely compelling.
“Handling is easier, it saves you time, it saves you money and we can now underpin our offer with not only a 10-year guarantee but also a series of top accreditations.”
Conducted in partnership with the Residence Collection, the HWL window was put through its paces under PAS24 at the beginning of May by independent testing house, Exova,
This returned a series of clear passes under PAS24 test requirements for mechanical load and manual intervention testing.