Rehau employees from across the UK have reached the ‘peak’ of their charitable endeavours to raise money for the UK disability equality charity, Scope.
Setting a target of £12,000, Rehau employees have completed a host of challenging fundraisers, including the task of climbing the famous Three Peaks.
Scope is a charity that campaigs for everyday equality and to achieve a fairer society for disabled people. The team at Rehau UK has been supporting and donating to the charity since late 2017, with efforts doubled over the last year.
In 2018, all company staff were asked to select a UK-based charity, and after a vigorous voting process, Scope came out on top. The original plan was to raise £12,000 for the charity by the end of 2019. However, Rehau says it has already raised £11,700, so this is now likely to be surpassed.
Over the past year, Rehau says that its employees have really gone the extra mile with their fundraising efforts. In July 2018, teams from different Rehau production facilities took their rivalry to the pitch for a charity football match. Then in April 2019, Laurence Chownsmith, UK building solutions sales manager, took on the London Marathon and raised over £2,000 for Scope, well over his target goal.
Rehau staff are said to have reached ‘new heights’ when they took on the Three Peaks challenge. 27 employees from the UK, Ireland, and as far away as Italy came together to conquer three of the highest mountains in the UK, raising £9,500 for Scope.
Following on from last year’s success, once again the annual employee photo competition will be taking place. All staff are encouraged to enter the competition by uploading photos they would like to see make the Scope 2020 calendar. The 12 images with the most votes make the calendar, with the winning image then selected by a Scope ambassador to make the front cover.
“The Rehau team should be very proud of their efforts, and it just goes to show hard work really does pay off. We look forward to seeing their next venture and wish them the best of luck in the photo competition,” Sergio Fonseca from Rehau said.