Quanex has launched a new charity focus for 2023: “a part of something bigger”. In the lead up to this, staff of Edgetech, a Quanex company, supported three charitable initiatives over the festive period, aimed at supporting both local and global communities. Edgetech and Quanex are businesses committed to championing education and the next generation, so one of their charitable activities included donating school supplies to Walsgrave Academy, a Coventry primary school.
Edgetech’s leaders are also passionate about helping to tackle hunger in the UK, especially in the current climate when people are struggling to afford basic necessities. Consequently, staff contributed 197 items to Coventry foodbank as part of a global food drive organised by Quanex. Each item was matched by a £5 donation by Quanex, totalling £985.
Further, the company supported Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child campaign, which provides disadvantaged children with a box of gifts. Employees were given time off to volunteer at their local Operation Christmas Child processing centre, where they organised and packed gift boxes to be sent to recipients around the world.
Edgetech has also continued supporting glazing industry charity initiatives, including purchasing the Christmas Hope House Children’s Hospice print from GM Fundraising. The business has additionally donated to the present drive in aid of Catch Leeds, organised by NFA’s Lee Clarke.
“This year, Quanex launched a new initiative: ‘a part of something bigger’,” explained Charlotte Hawkes, Edgetech’s head of marketing. “As a company, we know we’re part of a much bigger society and community. We are very cognisant of the fact that everything we do has an impact on thousands if not millions of people across the globe, and we’re focused on making that impact a positive one.
“We’re committed to helping our local area, as well as worthwhile causes worldwide. We hope these donations will bring some happiness and security to people who may be struggling during this especially challenging year.” If you’re interested in learning more, contact Edgetech on 02476 639 931 or visit edgetechig.co.uk.