Liniar House opens its doors

Liniar celebrates success with official opening of new facility

Garrard adds sixth Emmegi machining centre

Fabricator invests in additional aluminium production

‘Overwhelmingly positive’ for 2015

Installer report reveals optimism across the board but concerns over legislation

Preparing to launch

Liniar Zoom conservatory roof to launch in March

Wood Window Alliance calls time on ‘plastic promises’

Wood Window Alliance challenges ‘misleading statements’ from PVC-U industry with #woodyoubelieveit? campaign

A decade in business

UCS Design Group celebrates 10 years of partnership with Spectus

Liniar opens new lamination facility

HL Plastics, the company behind the Liniar brand, has opened new foiling and lamination plant as part of ongoing expansion plans

Lift off for Combilift

New €50 million factory opens

Members toast new president

GGF hosts champagne reception for new president, Brian Baker

Polyframe acquires Customade Group

Polyframe Group has successfully ‘acquired and merged with’ Customade Group, supported by further investment from Cairngorm Capital

