A new recruitment company, Pace Resourcing, has launched itself into the window and door industry, fronted by a group of ‘well-known industry personnel with a commitment to finding employers the best people for their job vacancies’, and candidates ‘the ideal roles to enable them to fulfil their potential and build their careers’.
Additionally, Pace Resourcing says it is committed to working with employers to help them plan for their future people requirements and is offering a wide range of people related support services.
Director, Adrian Vicker, known to many for his time in senior roles at Roto and Siegenia, takes up the story: “For the team at Pace Resourcing, all of whom have been in the industry for a considerable amount of time and have a real passion for it, helping to bring together employers and candidates so that each party benefits is an exciting challenge which we are really looking forward to. We are backed by a team of HR professionals and recruitment personnel giving us the best of all worlds.
“We have all been on both sides of the fence at different times in our careers and those experiences have helped to shape our philosophy at Pace Resourcing, which is an absolute commitment to finding employers the right candidates to suit their requirements to deliver better performance and profitability, and at the same time finding candidates roles where they can really fulfil their potential in an environment where culturally they really fit.
“It is very much a two-sided approach, and if we get it right then all parties will really benefit – business performance, profitability and employee satisfaction will all be delivered.
“We don’t think there is anybody better suited to performing this role than people who have lived and breathed the industry themselves; who understand the finest details of an employer’s job role, and who know first-hand the skills and the personality that an employee needs to bring to a role to be successful.
“We are also keen to support employers further by looking at their long term people requirements. We offer a wide range of support functions to enable them to build high performing teams, plan their work-force strategically, build effective reward structures and incentive schemes, manage change and mitigate risk.
“Starting Pace Resourcing is a really exciting venture and one which I and the rest of the team are really looking forward to. The idea of industry people recruiting people for the industry is an exciting prospect.”