Double celebrations have taken place at composite door and PVC-U door panel manufacturer, Hurst. The firm has honoured four members of staff who have achieved 20 years’ service with the business and is now set to mark the 50th anniversary of its parent company, Hurst Group, in early 2019.
Emma Page, Lynn Dennison, Aide Page and Gerry Stephenson are all toasting to two decades of working at Hurst. This latest 20-year milestone at the company means that 27 people have now amassed more than 550 years of service between them.
And there was an extra celebration for Emma Page, who works in accounts, and first inspection team leader, Aide Page. Emma met her husband, Aide, when she started at Hurst and the couple have just celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary.
Mark Atkinson, sales director at Hurst Plastics, said: “2018 has proven to be an outstanding year for Hurst – our performance across composite doors and door panels has been exceptional and we’re really proud to top these achievements with a fantastic double celebration.
“People are at the heart of Hurst and it really is a huge achievement to have such a long serving team with a total of 27 people having now hit the 20-year mark. More than 50% of our workforce has been with the company for over 10 years and 20% has been here for at least 20 years and that is an incredible asset – both in the wealth of industry experience and knowledge we bring to our customers and in the commitment that everyone demonstrates to the long-term success of the business.
Purchase accounts administrator, Emma Page, joined Hurst in March 1998, originally as an administration assistant. She is one of seven members who make up the finance team.
She said: “I’ve seen so many changes and developments in my 20 years at Hurst. The company has grown and brought many more new customers on board and our systems have developed to keep pace with that growth. I really enjoy working at Hurst and being part of a great team of people. And of course, I met my husband Aide whilst working here and he’s also celebrating 20 years at Hurst, which is quite a novel achievement for us.”
Receptionist, Lynn Dennison, is the voice of Hurst, taking up to 300 calls a day on the busy switchboard. She has been with Hurst since April 1998.
She commented: “I love my job and it feels like I started yesterday. Hurst has certainly moved ahead with technology but that’s not at the expense of the personal touch that you see throughout the business. Hurst is a warm and friendly company and it provides a great working atmosphere. My daughter also works at Hurst and, having been here for 18 years, she’s not far behind me! I’m looking forward to celebrating her 20th anniversary in a couple of years’ time.”