Synseal has secured valuable coverage in the national press thanks to a consumer survey report which was provocatively entitled ‘Mr & Mrs Made It’.
The commissioned online survey was carried out on behalf of Synseal by independent research agency OnePoll and gathered the views of 2,000 employed homeowner adults living across the length and breadth of England, Scotland and Wales, with approximately 25% of respondents being based in and around the London area.
The results are described as ‘thought-provoking’. Mr and Mrs Made It live in a house worth 500k, earn a joint salary of £100k, have two cars on the driveway and will be close to paying off their mortgage.
Living in at least a four bed house, they’ll spend time in the garden which stretches to 1,000 square feet or more, and manage two trips away a year.
Having a holiday home, a glazed conservatory and frequent shopping trips in other cities were also listed among the top 50 signs a couple have really made it in life. And owning an orangery, having a wet room or shopping regularly at Waitrose were also selected aspirational lifestyle indicators.
“Although this research was commissioned as a serious exercise with a statistically robust sample, our consumer PR agency, Cogent Elliott, recommended that the results were published in a fun and upbeat manner and we were pleasantly surprised when the national daily newspapers really latched on to the story, both in printed papers and also online publications” said Mark Schlotel, head of marketing at Synseal (pictured).
“We were delighted to secure over 50 significant press cuttings for our Synseal brand in the Times, Independent, Telegraph, Mail, Mirror, Express, Metro and London Evening Standard amongst others.”