The new look April 2020 issue of GGP Magazine is now available to view online. As a response to the current lockdown situation, in which many people are now working from home, we would like to announce that we have increased our digital circulation this month to 13,000 email addresses, a move that will allow GGP Magazine’s advertisers to benefit from almost double the readership exposure to their sales and marketing messages.
It is not just the quantity, but the quality of GGP Magazine’s circulation that counts. Since acquiring Glass & Glass Products in 2018, Mark Allen Group has invested heavily in researching and updating the magazine’s readership database to the highest standards – and boasts a monthly printed circulation of 10,500, a figure that’s independently qualified by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC). As a result, our reader survey revealed that 79% of readers have made purchasing decisions based on information they have read or seen in GGP, 82% have passed the magazine on to one or more colleagues and 65% say they would choose GGP Magazine over other trade publications.
In addition to all, the April issue of GGP Magazine also marks the introduction of a fresher and more modern style to the magazine, so we hope you like the new look as well!
While we have invested in an increased digital circulation, the printed edition of the April issue will still be available as usual, although for all those that are now best placed to enjoy the digital version, we would also like to draw your attention to our new interactive front cover, which links to additional video content from Business Pilot, the cloud based business management tool for window, door and conservatory installers.
In these unprecedented and highly stressful times, communication has never been as important. At GGP Magazine we are committed to keeping you up to date with all the information and advice you may need to help get through the coming weeks and months –whether that’s in print, online at ggpmag.com, our weekly ezine, Bullseye, or indeed via our social media channels – to ensure you are best placed to hit the ground running when life returns to normal.
With that in mind, please feel free to email me at luke.wood@markallengroup.com if you would like to take advantage of any of our print or digital channels to communicate your message, or alternatively, contact sales manager, Sat Dhillon, at sat.dhillon@markallengroup.com
Lastly, we would also like to announce that entries for the 2020 GGP Magazine Installer Awards – which have been launched to celebrate the hard work and skills of the UK’s window, door and conservatory installers – are now open! For more information and to enter, visit: www.ggpinstallerawards.com.
Stay safe, and I hope you enjoy the issue!
Luke Wood, editor GGP Magazine & Bullseye