The GM Fundraising Paddle2Pedal (P2P) team has reportedly embarked on its final training weekend before the epic charity challenge, in aid of Hope House Childrens’ Hospice, gets underway on August 20.
The weekend began with a special visit to Hope House, where donations such as those made by the GMF team, are crucial to ensure it stays open. This was followed by some hard-core pedalling, as P2P member, Charlotte Davies, explained: “After an emotional but inspiring morning at Hope House, we did a really tough 12-mile cycle that included some serious climbs – 1,000ft in total – and a beautiful rest stop in Ironbridge – under the bridge one session, over it the next!
“On Saturday we covered 20.1 miles on the canoe (our furthest yet!) in the same time it took us to cover 12 miles two training sessions ago – showing just how far our team has come in such a short space of time. We got both soggy and sunburnt – I guess that’s Britain for you!”
On Sunday, the team was back on the bikes, covering 51 miles in its longest team ride yet, which came complete with ‘a few scrapes and bruises’ according to Charlotte.
The event takes place from 20-26 August 2017. To stay updated you can ‘like’ the GM Fundraising Facebook page or follow @gmfundraising on Twitter.
You can sponsor the team at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/gmfp2p
For further information and links to sponsor individual team members, visit www.gmfundraising.co.uk/paddle2pedal