Sales of workbenches, machinery consumables and spare parts at Emmegi (UK) are set to hit a record high in 2021, the machining distributor reports, as the aluminium market continues to surge in the post-pandemic recovery. Figures for the first half of the year show sales of the company’s ACCA XL workbenches set to grow by 45% compared with 2020 and 10% compared with 2019, and sales of consumable and spare parts are on track to increase by 13% on 2020 figures and 6% on 2019, the business reports.
Ian Latimer, Emmegi (UK)’s managing director, said: “The 2020 figures were obviously skewed by the lockdown and rapid bounce back, but these are certainly higher than anything we have seen since Emmegi (UK) was established in 2010. They reflect just how busy our customers are right now, and the volumes going through their factories. Set alongside the demand we are seeing for our range of CNCs and saws, I think they’re a very accurate barometer of the aluminium market as a whole.”
He added: “We normally hold the ACCA XL workbenches in stock at our Coventry HQ, but at the moment they are going out to customers almost as soon as they arrive here with us. Customers are ordering in bigger quantities than ever before as well, as they look to create extra fitting and assembly space for windows and doors in their factories to keep pace with demand.”
The ACCA XL workbench is just one item in the Emmegi range of trollies and handling equipment, which also includes stacking, racking and transportation trolleys and specialist equipment for gasket rolling and unwinding. Fabricators wanting a one stop shop from their machinery supplier, can order direct from Emmegi and standardise on one range in their factory, the business claims. For more details, visit emmegi.com.