The Decalu163 lift-and-slide door from Deceuninck Aluminium completed PAS24 testing in June . The test was conducted by Elements and accredited by BM Trada.
Nigel Headford, Deceuninck Aluminium’s director, said: “The consultation on PAS24:2022 closed in May; the consultation and revision of Part Q is overdue and imminent. Regulatory change, particularly on security, is set to define the market in the years ahead and we’re placing ourselves for it.”
The Decalu lift-and-slide door was launched in 2020, at maximum weights of up to 400kg per sash. Individual sashes can be manufactured to up to 3900mm by 3500mm. With twin and triple track options, doors can be designed to up to 4000mm by 10,500mm.
It is supplied in marine-grade dual, textured and metallic finishes as standard and there’s also a slim interlock option. PAS24:2016 accreditation makes it the second of Decalu’s flagship door systems to achieve PAS24, after the Decalu88 Bi-fold achieved PAS24 approval, the same time a year ago.
With a knock-in glazing bead and two fully adjustable jambs, each offering up to 7mm tolerance, simplifying door squaring and setting, it’s proved a hit with installers. Each sash is also able to accommodate weights of 200kg and up to 3m in height, matching the impressive design flexibility of the Decalu163, while guaranteeing ultra-smooth running. The Decalu163 and Decalu88 also meet requirements for part L, with U-values as low as 0.8 and 0.68W/m².
Nigel continued: “The Decalu163 lift-and-slide door and the Decalu88 bi-fold door are new generation products. They have been designed with the shift that we’ve seen in regulatory requirements in mind – the changes to Part L that we have seen already and the changes to Part Q which are on the horizon.
“We’ve futureproofed our products and because we have, our customers can futureproof theirs. If you’re manufacturing an older aluminium system, it’s time to get in touch because regulatory change is going to outpace you.”