CAB – State of the Market

cabAccording to the Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB), Q2 2014 has proved to be another strong period for the aluminium in building sector, with confidence in forward demand, expected capacity utilisation and capital investment metrics still comparable with the previous quarter or slightly above. The one exception to this was expected sales volumes over the next 12 months. 81% net balance of members predicted sales growth in the following quarter compared to 92% (Q4, 2013) and 87% (Q1, 2014). It should be noted that all of this was set against a background of a flat construction sector at the end of the quarter, according to ONS figures.


,• 88% of CAB members, on balance reported a rise in sales in Q2 compared with the previous year.
,• 67% of members reported that they anticipate sales rising over the coming year.
,• Costs continued to rise, with 69% net balance reporting a rise in costs in Q2 compared to a year ago largely due to wages and materials. 75% net balance reported that costs would rise in the next 12 months.
,• Constraints on activity: 50% of respondents said capacity was a likely constraint but only 25% said demand
,• Headcount increased compared to a year ago for 50% net balance of respondents while 69% forecast an increase in the year ahead

,The full CAB report will be published in the November issue of GGP magazine.

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