A ‘hoard’ of PIGS (People in Glazing), gathered at the Pitcher and Piano at Brindley Place in Birmingham recently, for the fourth and final PIGS event of the year, with a total of 39 companies sponsoring the evening’s food and drink
PIGS organiser, Sarah Ball, said: “Birmingham is always our busiest event, but I think this year we drew in more PIGs than ever. We reckon there may have been up to 200 people! It was a really busy evening and it was great to see PIGS, old and new join us for our last event of the year.
“As usual, I would like to give a special thanks to all of our fabulous PIGS Birmingham sponsors. Without your generous sponsorship, PIGS couldn’t happen.
“The next official PIGS event isn’t until March 2018, when we will be returning to Manchester, but we’re looking forward to catching up with all of our G-Award nominated PIGS sponsors at the ceremony in November.”