Cumbernauld based CMS Window Systems has announced that it has switched to Business Micros for its software needs, in order to benefit from what it describes as a ‘truly customer orientated approach’.
CMS Window Systems is a specialist window, door and curtain walling fabricator with a large social housing customer base, and is said to have quite specific manufacturing and reporting requirements when compared with a typical trade supplier. As a result, the team at Business Micros has put together a completely bespoke software package based on the Evolution and EvoNET platforms.
Mark Owens, sales and operational planning manager at CMS, commented: “What continues to impress us about Business Micros is the flexibility shown by the whole team. They almost never say no to a request from us, but always find a way to adapt the software so that it does what we need it to do.
“Whether that is changing a report in EvoNET or rationalising the customer defaults in Evolution, they make it clear that their priority is to fit the software to our business rather than the other way around.”
CMS says that it has a two day per month support contract with Business Micros so that it can carry out ongoing development of its software.
Mark added: “The support team are on call all week for us to contact by phone and we get regular visits from the programmers. They almost seem to enjoy the challenges we set them, and clearly see the development work they do for us as part of a process of continual product improvement.”
CMS says that it calculates the value of the Business Micros software in terms of the ongoing functionality and features it offers. It is continually adding new reports within EvoNET and says that social housing clients appreciate the insight that this brings to their relationship with CMS.
Using Evolution and EvoNET, CMS has complete barcode scanning of its factory and can track every profile and glass unit from delivery to despatch. This ensures that it can identify problems or errors before they ever become visible to the client and helps to ensure that it can maintain an efficient, right first time service.