Balls2 Marketing and Koobr to merge

Balls2 Marketing Koobr
(l-r) Craig Barker, director and founder of Koobr, Katie Bregazzi, director at Balls2 Marketing, Sarah and Andy Ball, founders of Balls2 Marketing

Balls2 Marketing is merging Koobr to create a “super agency” under ‘The Koobr Group’ umbrella, according to a company statement.

Craig Barker, director and founder of Koobr and Katie Bregazzi, director at Balls2 Marketing will lead the new agency. The founders of Balls2 Marketing, Sarah and Andy Ball, will continue to step back from daily operations and remain involved in strategy, the statement added.

Katie said: “Along with Sarah and Andy, we have shaped the next phase of growth for Balls2 Marketing, to support the marketing needs of companies across the glazing supply chain. Our team, which includes Chartered PR practitioners, a former editor of high-profile international magazines and over 30 years of glazing industry expertise, means we have a proven track record of delivering growth opportunities for our clients.

“The merger with Koobr combines our expertise with industry leading digital capability, giving clients a joined-up marketing strategy that enables them to compete across all routes to market, vital in our fast-developing industry.”

The statement added that this newly-formed marketing agency will provide a full suite of expert services across; PR, content, email marketing, social media strategy and glazing industry expertise.

Andy Ball, founder of Balls2 Marketing, added: “This is a hugely exciting time for the agency we have built from the ground up and we’re looking forward to this new chapter. Over the past 14 years we have been proud to hold longstanding successful partnerships with many amazing industry leading companies. With a strong senior leadership team and a wealth of specialist, award-winning experience, The Koobr Group is focused on continuing to innovate and support our clients.”

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