Plymouth’s Right Price PVCu, says that it has seen its output increase by 50% since taking delivery of an SMR-5 Welder from Haffner Murat.
Travis Chiddle, director of Right Price PVCu, said: “As a growing new build fabricator, we needed to increase our output. We looked at what the market had to offer and approached Haffner Murat after reading about the SMR-5 Welder in the industry press and seeing it in action at FiT 2019.
“We were impressed by what the machine had to offer, although we were sceptical when Dave Thomas of Haffner Murat said we wouldn’t need to use our other welder when the SMR-5 came on board. In fact, he was exactly right. We are welding frames so fast the saw centre can’t keep up. It’s a fantastic machine.”
With the SMR-5, one operator can reportedly weld four squares in just four minutes. According to Haffner, it’s also capable of welding two corner/transom/corner windows or one window outer frame and two sashes in the same four-minute cycle – with the potential to weld twice as many frames within the same time as a standard quad welder.
Haffner adds that the SMR-5 ‘revolutionises’ quality. It is said to guarantee 90 degree welding every time thanks to automatic head positioning and self centering for transoms, ‘ensuring accuracy and eliminating re-makes’. It is also able to cope with all window variations and complexities, making it a flexible machine to have on the factory floor.
Travis concluded: “It is a breath of fresh air to come across a product that delivers exactly what the marketing claims. But the SMR-5 does. So much so, we are looking at adding a second machine when we expand our factory facilities in the next few months.”