North East Bifolds has invested in a second AMC308 machining centre from Kombimatec. Delivered in April, the new addition has been housed in a recently completed 600m2, on-site warehouse. North East Bifolds is based in Seaham, County Durham. The business purchased its first AMC308 four years ago, and reported being hugely impressed with it.
As the industry continues to recover from two years of disruption, the owners of North East Bifolds, Tony Meah and Chris Craggs, have noticed intense, increased demand for perfect end products. Due to this, they are keen to fulfil orders at a faster rate.
“Primarily, we chose to take on a second machine to safeguard the business against any issues we might face if the existing one was out of action. But ultimately, having two machines running will enable us to double our output and reduce lead in times by at least a week,” said Tony. “The added benefit that the entire team already knows the control panel made the decision to expand in this way an easy one.”
Dunstable-based Kombimatec is a preferred supplier for North East Bifolds because of its quick turnaround on orders and its reportedly excellent aftersales service. Chris added: “Our team is comfortable with the machines, but we know that if we need a product demo, or any additional training, we only have to ask. We’re so chuffed at the quality of the Kombimatec products that we’ve also bought a brand new aluminium saw, too!”
David Parsons, Kombimatec’s director, added: “We’re really proud that businesses like North East Bifolds choose to repeatedly buy from us. If we can help get the industry moving again and support people like Tony to speed up production of high-quality products, then everyone comes out winning.”