Whilst we appreciate the government’s decision to cap the Energy Price Guarantee to £3,000 from April 2023 for 12 months, and the targeted support for low-income households, its rise means that it is now inevitable that millions across the UK will see their bills increase by hundreds of pounds from April. We strongly believe the government must go further in its efforts to insulate Britain, by offering incentives and support for products that have been proven to effectively keep the heat in.
The time to address double glazed windows has long since passed. The benefits of primary window replacement on a nationwide scale are negligible as most households that can feasibly afford to upgrade their windows have already done so.
The government has a genuine opportunity to provide an affordable solution for single-glazed windows, allowing homeowners to run their central heating for considerably less time throughout the day. Secondary glazing has been proven to reduce household energy bills by up to 40%, yet it continues to be overlooked.
Without taking measures like this into account, and arming UK residents with the tools to insulate their home, it’s unlikely that the government will be able to achieve its target of a 15% reduction in UK energy consumption by 2030. The extension of the Energy Price Guarantee is a short and expensive means of tackling rising energy bills.
Improving the underlying thermal performance of homes across the UK is where the government can make a significant, long-term difference. Offering homeowners financial support to better insulate their home, and tapping into the knowledge and expertise of our sector, we feel is paramount if the government is truly serious about tackling Britain’s energy crisis.
Craig Robertson
Managing director of Granada Secondary Glazing