Having recently informed customers and suppliers, I’m writing to you to update you on Doorco’s return to work strategy. Providing a safe working environment for the Doorco team is our main focus at this time and we’ve been implementing changes that will be in place for the foreseeable future.
From Monday 4 May, Doorco opened for business, running with a skeleton team that provides cover across all areas of the business while actioning the necessary safe working practices which enables us to function in a way that is safe for our team and our customers and suppliers. We have taken information from Government guidance, industry practices and shared advice between customers and suppliers which has been a great assistance in shaping Doorco’s new working practices.
Some of the new safe working practices include social distancing measures from entrance and throughout the premises, reduced head count in the office, daily temperature checks for all staff, daily health check questionnaire, increased levels of PPE issued including gloves/visors, and hourly work station clean down, to mention just a few.
We are distributing door blanks and prepped doors along with the supply of the accessories, glazing cassettes and glass. As the demand increases, we will increase the team numbers in line with customer requirements. Doorco has continued to receive container deliveries during the lockdown period, so needless to say Doorco’s stock position is extremely strong across door blanks, cassettes and glass.
We will be continually reviewing our working practices as we move forward. We will be taking into consideration any updated guidance given by the government and keeping open lines of communication with our customers and suppliers as everyone adapts to the new normal.
Dan Sullivan,
Managing director, Doorco