The Consultancy delivers again for Doorco
The Consultancy, a digital solutions provider, has delivered once again a new website for DoorCo
New Adminbase home screen offers at-a-glance info
AdminBase, the web-based business management software system from Ab Initio, has upgraded its home screen
Patent granted for Tommy Trinder interface
The Tommy Trinder team has secured a patent for its Installer Award-winning technology
Just Trade Windows boost margins with Framepoint
Just Trade Windows reports success using the GGP Installer Award-winning software, Framepoint
New launch: My AdminBase Diary
Software provider Ab Initio has launched 'My AdminBase Diary', a free diary app linked to the AdminBase installer business management system
West Cornwall Plastics boost sales with Framepoint
West Cornwall Plastics has reported a 20% increase in sales, using Framepoint, an app developed by the software business Tommy Trinder
‘Dinosaur’ completes 500th Framepoint demo
Sales consultant Tom Barfield has completed his 500th demonstration of the award-winning Framepoint software, despite being a self-confessed technophobe
What is ‘Software as a service?’ (And why should we care?!)
Chris Brunsdon, founder and CEO of software company Tommy Trinder, on why software is a game-changer for window installers