Cube Glass offers part ownership to 11 employees

The founder of Cube Glass has offered 11 longstanding team members up to one fifth of the equity shares in the company

Celebrity home renovation enhanced by R7

The Residence Collection installer Renovate Leeds supplied 98 windows for the renovation of Geordie Shore star Gaz Beadle’s dream home.

Homeserve CEO to close Glazing Summit

Richard Harpin, an entrepreneur and Homeserve’s CEO, is set to provide a speech to close this year’s Glazing Summit.

Tradelink enhances casement window offering

Tradelink has further enhanced its offering on casement windows, widening the range of options and working to improve energy performance.

TuffX steps up to stair challenge

TuffX has supplied toughened safety glass and laminated floors for a residential property in Plymouth

Forel releases new lamination line video

Forel has released a new video for its lamination line.

Pilkington AviSafe installed in Polish observation tower

Pilkington AviSafe glass was used in a Polish observation tower and gondola lift installation.

Pyroguard helps regenerate historic Spanish convent

Pyroguard representatives helped to regenerate the Capuchino Convent de San Antonio de Padua, in the Spanish city of Zaragoza.

Crunch point for installers? HWL leader issues warning

HWL's director has warned that an extension of new build requirements could massively increase cost and complexity for installers

G22 judges shortlist Quickslide in two categories

Judges of this year’s G Awards (G22) have shortlisted Quickslide in both of the two categories that the manufacturer’s representatives entered.

