Conservatory fabricators may be missing out on business that could net them significant return on profit, that’s according to Aztec Conservatory Roof Systems, which says it is ‘the only roof system company that guarantees its customers get all the business possible – regardless of the roof specification’.
“Any enquiries we get, regardless of the detail of the project, we pass to our local fabricator,” said Tim Franks, Aztec managing director. “We believe we are unique in this: when times got tough, some roof systems companies adopted a practice of keeping the more profitable, specialist projects in-house to improve their own books – and have continued to do so – the big spans, the coloured roofs. Some set up their own fabrication arm, selling direct to their customers’ customers.
,“In effect they are competing against their own customers, instead of supporting them! To our point of view, it is better to give that work to our customers: we both keep busy, both make a profit, and both continue to grow… it’s a win: win situation.”
To reinforce the initiative, Aztec has enhanced its service whereby it will supply as little as one bar length, or a single roof in one colour, with no minimum stockholding and deliver next working day.
“Business is about partnerships, working together,” added Tim. “That ethos is at the core of everything Aztec does – product and service innovations that always aim to improve the overall offering to the customer, so he can grow, profitably.”
To become an Aztec fabricator, visit www.aztecsystems.net, call Tim on 0151 678 0691, or email tim@aztecsystems.net