Glazpart to participate in triple glazing debate at Glazing Summit 2024

Glazing Summit Glazpart

Glazpart is set to participate in a panel debate on triple glazing at this year’s Glazing Summit, which is to take place in Edgbaston, Birmingham on 17 October.

The debate is titled “The Triple Glazing Dilemma: Is the industry up for the challenge?” .

Dean Bradley, Glazpart’s sales director, is to be representing the glazing components sector on the panel along with other panellists including, Gareth Jones, managing director of Solar Fabrications and Mark Gajda, Rehau, head of technical services and certification and chair of GGF Systems House Group.

Dean said: “Triple glazing has its advantages and disadvantages, but for installers the questions are multiple. Firstly, there’s understanding the compliance with regulations should it become a compulsory measure at some point in the future. Secondly, is the companies’ capability and what they have to do to compete. There’s a lot to debate and many factors to consider, but the one thing that is certain is that triple glazing is not going away and if anything, it is likely to increase over the next decade.

“Glazpart as always keeps abreast of the incoming legislation to ensure our customers are aware of what is coming down the pipeline. As well as imparting knowledge, we have also prepared products with our range of glazing accessories for fabricators and installers who make and fit triple glazing. We are ready for the inevitable increase in triple glazing, though I’m not so sure our industry as a whole is prepared for what lies ahead. I look forward to the debate and sharing my views and knowledge on triple glazing, which is more than just an extra pane of glass in window.”

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