Which? backs Certass’ ventilation campaign


The consumer champion Which? has announced its support for a new ventilation awareness campaign: #FreshAirFeeling. The campaign is led by Certass Trade Association through its certifiedcompetent.co.uk website.

The #FreshAirFeeling campaign offers a short educational film to help homeowners and residents understand the importance of ventilating properties all year round. The video includes easy tips and advice on what to do to “get that fresh air feeling”, from considering new home improvement installations to simple, everyday actions.

The issue of ventilation has been brought into the spotlight since the updated Approved Document F regulations came into force on 15 June 2022. The statutory guidance from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities explains that a well-ventilated property must have methods of extracting water vapour and pollutants, supplying a minimum level of outdoor air for occupants health (a minimum rate of 0.3 litres per second per m² of internal floor area), quickly diluting indoor air pollutants and water vapour, and minimising the entry of external air pollutants.

Part F also sets out various ways of achieving an acceptable level of ventilation. This includes installing windows with trickle vents, ensuring that extraction systems are installed in kitchens and bathrooms, and implementing mechanical or whole-house ventilation systems.

Jon Vanstone, chair of Certass Trade Association, the organisation behind certifiedcompetent.co.uk, explained: “Many occupants already have the means of properly ventilating their living spaces and reducing the level of air pollutants and water vapour in their homes by rapid ventilation methods such as regularly opening windows. But it is also vital to have background ventilation methods installed in homes in order to avoid the build up of moisture and air pollutants to keep homes healthy.

“The key messages from certifiedcompetent.co.uk and Which? are for occupants to keep their homes healthy for themselves and their families by always ventilating their properties. They must also ensure that they have the correct background ventilation in place when they have home improvements carried out.”

Raj Kakar-Clayton, managing director of Which? Trusted Traders, added: “With the pandemic having hit the nation not too long ago, the importance of keeping your home well ventilated to protect your families’ health was brought to the fore. This same approach must be maintained going forward, and we are happy to support certifiedcompetent.co.uk on its Fresh Air Feeling campaign to raise awareness of how ventilating your home has many advantages, including regulating airflow, reducing the risk of condensation, residue and mould, and many more.”

Read more about the ventilation campaign at certifiedcompetent.co.uk. Read more about the award-winning Certass Trade Association, here.

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