Renolit Exofol PX light ivory has been added to the Renolit exterior grade range as a stock item.
Previously only available on a make to order basis, the move is said to reflect the increasing popularity of cream colours and according to Renolit, is indicative of the importance it places on continuously improving its service levels.
Light ivory is described as a ‘yellowy cream colour’ (similar to RAL 1015) and a complementary addition to cooler ‘ice cream B’ and warmer ‘cream white’, widening the scope for designers, home owners and installers.
According to Renolit, cream is now the third largest selling exterior grade solid coloured film sold in the UK and with the improved availability of ivory cream, this is anticipated to grow further.
Ivory cream produced as a Renolit Exofol PX grade material is a patented advanced exterior film which also benefits from the addition of Renolit’s solar shield technology (SST).
To request an A4 sample of Renolit Exofol PX light ivory, visit: www.renolit.com/exterior/en/sample-ordering